Thursday, October 27, 2011

In a time bubble

Halloween is almost here and I've no idea where the first half of the semester went to. Time must move at a different pace on campus compared to the rest of the world. One minute I was helping out at the Failte Fest and now it's weeks later and I've read 8 Shakespeare plays, 3 novels, 3 short stories, lots of poetry, goodness knows how many critical essays and books on literature - and that's just for English! Philosophy hasn't got quite so much reading, but it's seriously intense and I'm loving it.

I may have been neglecting this blog, but I'm keeping to the plan of working steadily and making the most of college. As well as being a mentor, I'm Secretary of the Philosophy Society, Class Rep for Philosophy and write for SIN - the student newspaper - regularly. Am also involved with a 'think tank' on Embedding Innovation. Not bad for six weeks, especially when I've also submitted 4 essays and go to our class-organised Philosophy study group regularly!

As you can imagine, I'm loving college more than ever and my only regret is that there just isn't time to study more. If last year I learnt about myself, this year I'm learning just how much I DON'T know! Every bit of research takes me on another journey that has to be cut short if I'm going to stay focussed and meet deadlines - 5 more essays, a presentation and an exam to look forward to before the Christmas holidays; after reading another 4 plays, a very long Hardy novel, some more poetry and the usual secondary reading of course. Much as I love Shakespeare, I am going to be completely sick of him before the semester is over!

Oh, I did sneak off campus the other night to see my Rob performing in the Galway Theatre Festival. Fantastic play - watch out for it when it is staged again: "Gun Metal Grey". Absolutely hilarious and Rob made a very believable 85 year old :-)

What else is there in the way of news? Don't think I've had time to do anything, or notice what's going on outside my little bubble. Tonight I'm chilling by a lovely turf fire and not going to open a book (or read an on-line journal). Tomorrow I have the opportunity of going to the live recording of Sean Moncrieff's show for Newstalk... will Moral and Political Philosophy win out over an afternoon of free wine and great entertainment? Hmmm....Decisions, decisions :-)